Friday, June 1, 2012

New Details on 3DS Castlevania Emerge

Well, that didn’t take long. E3 hasn’t even arrived yet and new details have already been revealed about The Mirror of Fate, the new Castlevania game coming to the 3DS.
First, unlike Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion, which will be developed by the same guys who made Monster Tale for the 3DS instead of Junction Point Studios, this game will be made by the same development team that madeLords of Shadow for the PS3/360. I guess this shows that MercurySteam has a lot of faith in the 3DS, something I wish many publishers and developers would have.
While the game will have polygonal graphics and will have completely 3D sections similar to Lords of Shadow, the game will mostly play in 2.5D and will have open, non-linear environments similar to most 2D Castlevania games after Super Castlevania IV. So for those of you who didn’t like Lords of Shadow for being too linear and claustrophobic for your tastes, this should make you feel at ease.
It was previously reported that Trevor Belmont would be the star of this game. While he’s definitely going to be in this game, he’s not the only Belmont you get to play as. The game will take place at various points in time, so you’ll get to play as three other Belmont descendants. This includes good ol’ Simon Belmont, who’ll be armed with his trusty whip, some nifty secondary weapons, and the ability to summon mystical guardians to do his bidding.
I’m sure that more info will be revealed at E3. Well, unless Konami decides to give out even more information in between now and E3, anyway.

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